
PM Laptop Scheme 2023 for Phase 3 – Apply Online

PM Laptop Scheme Phase-III: Empowering Youth with Technology

Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan has previously carried out two successful laptop distribution programs called as PM National Laptop Scheme Phase-I and II. About 500,000 laptops were transparently provided to students at public universities, technical institutes, and Federal and FATA colleges under the PMNLS Phase-II programme. Transparency was assured by the HEC by making information available on their website.

Introduction of PM Laptop Scheme Phase 3

Given that logical capital plays a vital role in a nation’s economic development, Pakistan stands out as having 63% of its people under the age of 30. The nation faces opportunities and difficulties because of the youth bulge. To combat this, the government has launched initiatives that harness young people’s potential, lower unemployment rates, and promote an entrepreneurial culture by offering high-quality education and worthwhile participation possibilities.


The Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme (PMYLS), Phase-III (2022-23), has been declared by the Honorable Prime Minister of Pakistan in accordance with this goal. With the help of this scheme, gifted students registered in public higher education institutions (HEIs) all over the nation, including those in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, will have access to laptop computers. The ECNEC-approved programme aims to give 100,000 computers to eligible students through a transparent online process. It expands on the two successful plans that the Higher Education Commission has put in place.

Ideas of PM Laptop Scheme 2023

The following are the goals of the government’s plan for this programme:

  1. Improve the standard of ICT instruction in science and technology.
  2. Encourage collaborations between businesses and institutions of learning/training.
  3. Encourage the development of smart campuses to foster networking and enhance the educational environment.
  4. Boost manufacturing sector productivity and value addition.
  5. Utilize IT to its greatest potential to advance the field of education.
  6. By supplying cutting-edge IT technologies, increase production and efficiency.

The plan’s specifications are as follows and are in line with the government’s goals:

  1. Future development will be fueled by computers, according to some.
  2. Helping to digitally transform universities, colleges, and classrooms.
  3. Important contributor to Smart Campus Systems.
  4. Maximizing IT’s advantages in the field of education.
  5. Encouraging youngsters to engage with information and communication technology (ICTs) to close the digital gap in all communities and industries.

PM Laptop Scheme Eligibility Criteria & Registration Dates

Through the Students’ Service Portal, eligible students enrolled in public universities and private colleges that have been approved by HEC may apply for the programme. The following are the eligibility requirements:

  1. According to the presented table, students must be enrolled for the full duration of their respective programme.
  2. Candidates must have a current CNIC/B-Form number.
  3. The student’s enrollment status must be current as of the application deadline of June 30, 2023.

PM-Laptop-Scheme-2023Students enrolled in public universities or degree-granting institutions that have been properly recognised by HEC (excluding distance learning):

  1. Students enrolled in 18-year programmes leading to a PhD, MS, MPhil, or equivalent.
  2. Students enroll in daytime and evening 4- or 5-year bachelor’s degree programmes.
  3. Three MBA programmes (3.5 years, 2.5 years, and 1.5 years) have students enrolled.


Ineligibility Conditions

Under this programme, several student groups are not eligible to get computers. They consist of:

  • Students enrolling in higher education institutions (HEIs) in the private sector.
  • Students who already have laptops thanks to a Federal or Provincial Government programme.
  • Foreign nationals, except for AJK students.
  • Students whose applications have not been received through the online portal or who have not applied online.
  • At the time of distribution, it will also be decided who qualifies for a laptop prize. A student will not be given a laptop if they do not submit the necessary paperwork and evidence of their academic success.
  • Students who, prior to the distribution of laptops, have finished their degree programmes.

How to Apply for PM Laptop Scheme 2023?

  1. Applications should be submitted via the PMYP web portal at
  2. The PM Youth Laptop Scheme Phase-3 has been resurrected thanks to the PMYP Programme, which was started by PM Shahbaz Sharif and Shazza Fatima Khawaja (SAPM on Youth Affairs), indicating the dedication of the government to empowering the youth.
  3. The deadline for online applications is June 30, 2023.

Selection Process

A systematic methodology is used in the laptop selection and distribution process:

  1. After students apply online using the HEC web portal, the system screens out those who are eligible and those who are not.
  2. The student’s information, including name, CNIC, department, degree level, last test percentage/CGPA, etc., are verified by the appropriate department’s focal person using their online focal person account.
  3. Verification is the sole duty of the university focal person.
  4. If any differences are discovered, the student’s data will be updated or edited in accordance with records obtained from the institute or the individual student.
  5. Within the allotted period, the focal person may reject, confirm, or amend the application.
  6. According to a predetermined quote specified in the eligibility and merit requirements, each institute is given a certain number of laptops.
  7. Merit lists are generated for each university via an automatic method after the HEC verification deadline has passed.
  8. The institutes receive the provisional merit list from HEC for cross-checking, and they have 15 days to examine and react.
  9. HEC provides the institutes with the final merit list after addressing any issues in the preliminary merit list.
  10. The final merit list and a schedule for distribution must be posted by each institute on their notice board, website, or social media page.
  11. Every student and the public will be able to view the final merit lists since they will be published on an online platform that is open to everyone.

Laptop Distribution Criteria

In every degree programme, including PhD, MS/M.Phil., and 16 years of education, laptop distribution will be based solely on merit. According to university enrollment and quotas for each degree programme, including university, campus, degree programme, department, and year-wise distribution, the distribution of laptops will be decided.

Baluchistan HEIs will receive 14,000 computers, or 14% of the total, according to instructions from the Prime Minister’s office. Under this allotted quota, Balochistani students from authorised universities would be accommodated. According to their enrollment preferences, the remaining 86,000 computers will be divided among public sector HEIs.

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